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Dominik Szoboszlai Futbin

Dominik Szoboszlai: Rare FUT Card Stats and Reviews

FIFA 24 and FIFA 22 Statistics

Dominik Szoboszlai's rare cards in FIFA 24 and FIFA 22 have received positive reviews and impressive ratings:

  • FIFA 24: Rated 82, playing for Liverpool in the Premier League
  • FIFA 22: Rated 77, playing for RB Salzburg in the Ö Bundesliga

Physical Attributes

Szoboszlai stands 186cm (6'1") tall and is right-footed. His physical attributes in FIFA include:

  • Pace: 83
  • Dribbling: 82
  • Shooting: 79
  • Passing: 84
  • Defending: 72
  • Physicality: 78

Versatility and Career

Szoboszlai has played in various midfield positions throughout his career, including CAM, LM, CM, RM, and CF. He currently represents Liverpool in the Premier League and has played for RB Salzburg, Liefering, and Videoton in the past.

Price and Popularity

Szoboszlai's rare cards are highly sought-after and can command high prices on the FUT market. His FIFA 24 card is particularly valuable due to its improved stats and Premier League affiliation.

Overall Assessment

Dominik Szoboszlai's rare FUT cards are highly rated and considered valuable additions to any FIFA Ultimate Team. His versatility, physical attributes, and overall skillset make him a dangerous player on the virtual pitch.
